

My Projects



Quizzically is a web-based trivia game aimed at serving groups of friends wanting to host pandemic-friendly game nights. It requires real-time, seamless communication between all clients, which I have implemented using socketIO in Flask.

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Covid-19 Case Outcome Prediction

The capstone project for my Data Science course, I trained various models to predict the outcome on a covid-19 case dataset. The largest challenge was the dataset itself, as it didn’t contain much pertinent information, outside of the age and location of the patient. So, predicting death (the minority class label) was especially challenging.

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Saur0n3ye is an Android App developed to aid librarians in their annual cataloging. This process usually takes days of librarians scanning each book in the entire library individually, by hand, with a barcode scanner. This app aims to expedite the process by identifying all books on a shelf, reading their Dewey decimal code, and logging them in the system, all with a simple picture.

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Electricity Analysis with DBSCAN

This project works with a dataset of a household’s electricity use in 10-minute increments over a year. The aim is to identify distinct clusters representing a particular pattern of usage. What days do they do laundry? What time of day do they usually cook (run kitchen appliances)? Etc.

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Dynamics Model for the Dissemination of Misinformation

Wanting to examine the ever-present issue of the dissemination of misinformation on social media, and the efforts to combat it, I created a dynamic model for its spread. It’s largely based on the SIR epidemiological model, where the belief in misinformation is treated as the disease.

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